
Streamlit, OpenAI, LLMs, LangChain “PDF GPT”

Built a multi-pdf analyzer and question-answer bot with five auto-generated preview questions.

9 Machine Learning Projects with Tensorflow

I did nine projects on developing models for Handwriting recognition, Titanic survival prediction, Baseball Strikes prediction, Tweet classification, Income prediction, Naive Bayes, Perceptrons, and more, using sklearn. As a result, I achieved a certification.

6 Deep Learning Projects with Tensorflow

Collection of 6 Deep Learning projects implemented using TensorFlow. These projects showcase various applications and techniques of Deep Learning, providing hands-on examples for building neural networks and solving real-world problems.

Exoplanet Predictor Algorithm

In this project I build a Machine Learning Algorithm in order to predict how many planets can a certain system have based on its mass, age, etc. It was a very interesting project built with python and Decision Tree Algorithmic aplication, but it can also be applied with polinomial models.

Drug Medication based on Condition

Classify drugs and use user interaction to prompt the user the top 10 drugs for the condition they entered. This is not a medical prescription system. It is just for the user to have a clear panorama of the possible routes they can go with medical supervision and the experience of others that already have gone through that route.

Temperature vs. Humidity Model inside a greenhouse

In this project with the help of Python I used the data recollected in my greenhouse. With this data I obtained a mathematical model in order to predict Humidity within a data of Temperature inside my hidroponic greenhouse.

Local Weather Predictor

In this project with the help of Python I used the data recollected in my town area. With this data I used a machine learning algorithm to predict either temperature or humidity conditions. I also used arduino sensors to recollect the data.

Responsive Podcast Website

In this project I design my podcast website, considering its responsiveness. During the development of the website, I used HTML5, CSS3, and Javascript for the animation. I also implemented the scrollreveal framework, in order to add a much more personalized effect. The typing animation is also an iconic element of the site.

¿Y Tú, Que Piensas? - Podcast

This project is a personal boosted idea that I decided to implement since 2019 to the present date. I see this podcast as an excellent way to communicate my ideas, learn from professional people in the topic, and discuss about environmental issues or give specific information about some of the IB topics.

Hourly variation in concentration levels (μg/m3) of PM2.5, O3, SO2, and CO

This project focuses on comparing the Air Pollution data before and during the Pandemic of the Covid-19, to stablish environmental conclusions of its impact.

"Andromeda" Assitant

In this project I created a Voice Assistant named Andromeda. The main language I used was Python and its libraries. I used OpenCv to add facial recognition and activation of the Voice Assistant. This was the first project I coded using Python.


This project references more the circuit part of the modeling inside a greenhouse, in order to automate Lettuce growing using hidroponic tecniques and Sensors data. The data processing was implemented using ThinkSpeak and API's.

"CAS INFORMA" - Community Project

This is a social project to spread information about Covid-19 during the Pandemic. The project focuses in Creativity, Action and Service. So, we covered environmental, health, Elderly care, and educational ideas such as building organic gardens, publishing informational videos and supporting the betterment in the local community.

CASInformando - Podcast

A podcast dedicated to inform our community about COVID-19 news, self-care strategies, recommendations, and more. In this podcast I am one of the 6 Hosts that take part of this wonderful project.

Model to represent temperature and electric current of a Peltier cell

Recollect data by measuring 50 times the temperature of the Peltier cell while variating the electric current with a circuit I built (see paper). Create models with the data and conclude that the relationship between the current and temperature of a Peltier cell is negative quadratic.

iNaturalist Ecuador