I'm , a:

My personal interests are Machine Learning/DL, SWE and Web development.”
I am always open to collaboration and new opportunities/challenges.

Something About Me

Hey there! I'm Edward, my tech stack is Python, HTML, CSS, Java, and C. I also like to use sci-kit-learn, NumPy, Pandas, Flask, and more, unleashing their full potential to create exciting projects that push boundaries. As a ML and Neuroscience student Research Fellow, I'm rocking the academic scene while immersing myself in mind-boggling research. My recent internship at MIT had me tinkering with "NoBrainer," an awe-inspiring project focusing on 3D image processing. But coding is just the beginning of my story! I also find web design fun, and I've mastered the art of customer service and troubleshooting. I also support open-science and collaborative learning, for example, I organized UMass Boston's first-ever hackathon and promoted collaboration between participants.






Communicator / Podcaster

Cybersecurity with Python

Livestreaming With OBS

Wordpress Sites


Machine Learning

Spanish & English


Exoplanet Predictor Algorithm

In this project I build a Machine Learning Algorithm in order to predict how many planets can a certain system have based on its mass, age, etc. It was a very interesting project built with python and Decision Tree Algorithmic aplication, but it can also be applied with polinomial models.


This project references more the circuit part of the modeling inside a greenhouse, in order to automate Lettuce growing using hidroponic tecniques and Sensors data. The data processing was implemented using ThinkSpeak and API's.

Deep Learning Projects with Tensorflow

Collection of Deep Learning projects implemented using TensorFlow. These projects showcase various applications and techniques of Deep Learning, providing hands-on examples for building neural networks and solving real-world problems.

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Check some of my Achievements!

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