A portfolio about

Edward Gaibor

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- 'cd home':
    Go to the home section.
- 'cd about':
    Learn more about me.
- 'cd projects':
    View my favorite projects.
- 'cd gallery':
    View my recent gallery.
- 'cd experience':
    View my working experience.
- 'cd certificates':
    View my certificates.
- 'cd credits':
    View the acknowledgements.

About Me

I am a Computer Science student that is interested in traveling, CI/CD pipelines & automation, machine learning, computing on the web and full stack development.

Check out my resume here šŸ˜‰

Download Resume
About Image

My Favorite Projects

QR Pigeon - Share images fast and cross-platform

  • We realized that all tools for sharing images from your phone to your laptop have a certain level of friction. Thus, we aim to make the sharing process as smooth as possible. No apps. No account setup. No clutter.
  • All you have to do is open https://www.qrpigeon.pics/ on your computer, scan the QR code on your phone, upload or take any image, and refresh the website on your computer! Boom, your pigeon has flown faster than light! Now you can download or copy the images with max quality and use them however you need, 100% free šŸ¤Æ.

Hydroponic IoT Greenhouse "BioInv_IoT"

  • Improved water consumption by +90 percent. As result, got second place in the national competition Junior Water Prize of Ecuador and participated in ā€œInnovadoresā€ ā€“ Ecuadorā€™s innovation tournament, leading to a reduction of 50 dollars in weekly spending for my schoolā€™s dining service.
  • I created a refill system for water reservoirs with Arduino (C++) and a 24/7 monitoring system of abiotic data using ThingSpeak with MatLab triggers.

6 Deep learning projects with Tensorflow

  • I did six projects related to deep learning, which include regression and classification, such as CNN model to predict Pneumonia via images, CNN model to predict galaxy type, Life Expectancy within countries, Medical Cost prediction with patient data, Patient survival rate, Air Quality predictor, and Forest Cover Type Classifier. As a result, I achieved a certification.

Interactive Exoplanet Predictor

  • I predicted the number of planets based on the stellar characteristics using the Random Forest Classifier by scikit-learn algorithm, resulting in Systems with one star with a 98% Accuracy score
  • In collaboration, an extended version of this project was made available through a 3D front-end. Collaborator: Ayden Diel.

Hack UMB: Fullstack App

  • As the CS Club, we organize hackathons each semester, so I created a website to improve the registration and check in of participants to the event.
  • One of my favorite feature is the personalized 3D badge :)

šŸ‘€ View more projects here.

I enjoy learning and collaborating on new projects to challenge myself. As the Computer Science Club's vice president, I am involved in hackathons, Google DevFests, and weekly sessions on campus.

My Working Experience

SWE Intern

Software Engineer Intern

Software Engineer intern @ John Hancock.

Heart Icon

Biomedical Signal and Image Processing

Grader @ UMB for 20 students, where I had to review homework. I also built a Discord bot to automate the grading process.

Brain Icon

Neuroimaging Edge Computing Research

Research assistantship @ UMB for Boostlet.js to enable framework-agnostic image processing on the web.


Graphics Programming

Grader @ UMB, reviewed weekly homework assignments for 30+ senior and graduate students and solved multiple issues related to XTK.js, Three.js, WebGL, and more.


Data Visualization on the Web

Grader @ UMB for 20 students, where I had to review homework. I also built a Discord bot to automate the grading process.


Research Intern

Developed scientific software for neuroimaging and other biomedical signals @ MIT, including neural network models.


Technical Intern

Added a CI/CD pipeline @ MIT that automated the handling of new neuroimaging models using GitHub Actions, Amazonā€™s EC2 machines, and LinkML.


Certificate 1 Certificate 2 Certificate 3 Certificate 4 Certificate 5 Certificate 6 Certificate 7 Certificate 8 Certificate 9 Certificate 10


This website was inspired by the font Bricolage Grotesque, designed by Mathieu Triay. I used a similar style with brown, red and sepia tones to create a vintage look. I was also inspired by their font's website. When I travel, I like to take pictures of the places I visit, so I decided to integrate that passion within the cursor effect on the home page. All the pictures taken in the gallery are from my personal collection.

For the effects used on this website, I used the repository CoDrops as inspiration, without their tutorials and help this website would not have been possible.

I was also inspired by the minimalist approach of Hesham Eissa and Lindsey Poulter on their website Ben & Jerry's. I would also want to acknowledge the documentation of css and html, which helped me to create this website.